What Am I Going To Do Without You? Tamale Murundi Jr Mourns Death Of Father

August 14, 2024

Political analyst Tamale Murundi has been pronounced dead weeks after family asking his fans to pray for him to get better.

The media started reporting about his death few hours ago and different celebrities also posted about him sympathising with his family.

Tamale Mirundi was famously known for his controversial topics regarding politics and other topics. His son Junior had joined him and they were doing the same kind of interviews and content.

Like any other parents, Tamale Murundi and the son had their issues but they quickly resolved them which made them get back together and working.

According to Tamale Mirundi Junior, his father was his hero and adviser in everything. He said he doesn’t know what do and where to start from without him advising him everyday and encouraging him to do better.

Tamale Mirundi SNR On The Verge Of Prayers As He Fights For His Life

“𝑴𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒓𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒊

In the silence, I call your name, 

But only echoes return, so faint. 

The voice that once stood strong and proud, 

Now lost, in earth’s eternal shroud. 

You were the truth, the fire, the light, 

Guiding us through #Uganda’s night. 

But now the pages turn no more, 

The pen lays still, the battle sore. 

Father, your #words are etched in stone, 

But here I stand, so lost, alone. 

Without your wisdom, where do I start? 

The world feels cold; you’ve left my heart. 

I miss your strength, your #fearless fight, 

Your laughter echoing through the night. 

Tamale, my hero, you’ve gone too soon, 

Leaving behind a sorrowed son. 

In every story, in every tear, 

I feel your presence, know you’re near. 

Rest now, Father, your work is done, 

But know forever, I am your son,”
