Frank Gashumba Apologises To Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga

October 7, 2024

Social, political and economic critique Frank Gashumba had apologized to the Katikkiro of Buganda Charles Peter Mayiga.

He said that he is sorry for the comments he recently made about him and he hopes that he can be forgiven.

Frank Gashumba has always been vocal when it comes to different things. Anything that comes to him he has a comment about it.

He said that he used to be friends with  Katikkiro before he was appointed to be a prime minister. With that he knows more about him and he has been able to attack him for his past.

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Recently the family of the late Tamale Mirundi apologized to the Buganda kingdom and the whole kingdom. It didn’t go so well with some members not liking to do that because of their father.

“I am here to the Katikkiro Charles Peter Mayiga and Buganda kingdom for the comments I have made about the kingdom over the years. I know it is not easy but I hope I am forgiven,”