Angella Katatumba Stings Women Who Spend Time ‘Pulling’ | VIDEO

October 28, 2021
Ssenga Justine Nantume

Ssenga Justine Nantume

Singer, Angella Katatumba grew up in western life and has no time for African traditional cultural practices like pulling/visiting the bush.

During encounter with Dembe FM presenter and comedian, Ssenga Justine Nantume, she asked Angella whether she has visited the bush/pulling and the singer hit back with a mean response.

Ssenga Justine Nantume
Ssenga Justine Nantume

Ssenga Natume: Angella Did you pull?

Angella: No, how will it help me? How will it help me to make money?

Ssenga Natume: Angella you are a Muganda woman

Angella: No, Am a Munyankole

Ssenga Natume: The Banyankole are the ones who like pulling

Angella: Let them pull there as i make money. Those who have pulled have they guaranteed their marriages? Men like women with money

Ssenga Justine Natume interaction with singer, Angella Katatumba.

Watch video:

Angella Katatumba used to live a quiet and professional life but her life changed after started dating daddy Andre in 2019. When Daddy Andre several female artistes teamed up and accused him of forceful eating, Angella dumped him in March 2020.

Since then, she has been conducting interview after interview. After Daddy Andre parted ways with Nina Roz, Angella of late revealed that she sorted out her differences with ‘Sikikukweka’ singer and are back to as friends.

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