Bad Black Finally Allows Kim Swagga To Have Access To Their Daughter After Years Of Denial

July 1, 2024

Self proclaimed President of prostitutes Bad Black real name Namuyimbwa Shanita has finally allowed her baby daddy Kim Swagga to have access to their daughter.

Their daughter Davina is now a teenager and the last time she saw the father was when she was when she was a baby.

According to Bad Black, Kim Swagga refused to fully take responsibility of the child. She said the fashion star refused to be in for the daughter and doesn’t have to access her.

When Kim Swagga told the media that he has always wanted to be in the life of the child but he was denied access.

Bad Black finally decided to let Kim Swagga be in the life of their child and she said that during this holiday she will be able to go and check on her grand parents.

Kim Swagga pleads for forgiveness from Bad Black, requests access to their daughter

It should be noted that Bad Black is a mother of five children and she has been a single mother to all of her children.

Two of them are for white men while the others are for black men.