Eric Omondi Accused Of Being A Deadbeat Dad By Baby Mama, Maribe

November 2, 2021
Eric Omond with ex, Jacque Maribe

Eric Omond with ex, Jacque Maribe

Comedian Eric Omondi has been called a deadbeat dad by her baby mama and former Citizen TV anchor, Jacque Maribe.

Maribe accused the self-proclaimed president of comedy of leaving her to raise their seven-year-old child alone.

In an interview with Mungai Eve, Eric called Maribe on the phone in the glare of the cameras.

Jacque did not shy away from speaking the truth but claimed that he was a deadbeat dad and was not in touch with their child.

Eric Omondi with ex, Jacque Maribe and son

Eric Omondi with ex, Jacque Maribe and son

Maribe asked Eric to a state where the baby lives to which he replied Kileleshwa. However, she corrected him that they had moved to Gigiri.

“Where does your child live Eric? When is the last time you saw him?

Jacque said that he had called to show people that they were on talking terms yet he did not take care of his child.

“When was the last time you paid school fees?” Jacque asked severally during the phone call and Eric kept laughing.

Eric Omondi said on Instagram that another woman was expecting his child and promised to take up the responsibility of raising the child.

Eric Omondi and Ms P

I met this Beautiful Woman 5 months ago in an event I was hosting. Whatever happened happened and I promised her I would take every Responsibility. Children are a blessing from God. @officialmissp_ @babybumpkenya

Eric Omondi

Maribe then commented on the post insinuating that he has not been taking care of his 7-year-old son.

Maribe savage coment

“…So, all said and done, and you can read in between the lines if you want, I’m hopelessly in love with motherhood. And as a single mum doing everything on her own, my goal is to raise a brilliant person, as he already is…”

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