Gabie Ntaate Refutes Pregnancy Allegations, Reveals Why She Looks Big

September 12, 2024

Gospel singer Gabie Ntaate has refuted pregnancy allegations saying that she is going through some sickness and that is why she looks like she is pregnant.

According to the singer she is disappointed that some people don’t care about others especially on sensitive topics that don’t involve them.

She said that things concerning giving birth should be left to their owners. She also warned the people that spread fake news on social media.

Gabie Ntaate talked about loving children because they are beautiful but she struggled with thyroid which affects her looks and for her case she gained weight.

She said that she is trying to do well and is hoping people can start minding their own businesses.

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“I’m not pregnant ,and it is ok to be. Kids are beautiful. I have Thyroid disease , when you have walked a mile in that illness and survived it, or if you have seen a relative fight for their life with it between a bulging body or a shrinking one, heart disease , hyper and hypotension , tremors, breathlessness and worse, then get back into my womb . For now, stay out of my womb! Thank you. If you don’t know something for sure, don’t talk about it. People have silent battles under brave faces. I am not posting this that I may gather sympathy from any one as it surely yields me not but a thing, it just is necessary to tame your unwavering yarn for social media likes if you don’t know something. Away from that , Let’s not Forget, JESUS IS A HEALER♥️ praying for everyone with a battle they tell no one about,”