I Want To Stay In All My Wive’s Houses For Two Days! Here Is How Tamale Mirundi Requested To Be Buried

August 14, 2024

Tamale Mirundi left a will behind of how he wanted to be buried when he was still alive in one of his interviews.

He said that he wants to be in the three houses of his wives for two days each and he wants a cow to be slaughtered in all those houses.

Tamale Mirundi is a husband of three wives and has many children. The known child is Tamale Mirundi Jr that he has been spending so much time with in the media.

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And the known wife is the mother of Junior who he introduced in the media but citing that he actually has other two wives that he has been with for good years.

According to Tamale Mirundi, he was on good terms with his three wives and he loved all of them dearly.  He wants to feel the love even when he dies by just spending two nights at every home before he was buried.

The political analyst also said that he would want people to drink beer and celebrate his life once he dies.

Tamale Mirundi said those people especially the market people should be allowed to view him so that they can remember him all the time and know that he actually died it is not a lie.

It is not yet clear if his wish will he granted because he died yesterday and the program hasn’t been revealed anywhere.
