I will Be Off The Shelf Next Year – Frank Gashumba Confirms Mega Wedding | VIDEO

December 25, 2021
Frank Gashumba

Frank Gashumba

Renowned senior bachelor and motivational speaker, Frank Gashumba Malingumu has finally confirmed he will be getting married next year.

Blessed with children and money, the Sisimuka Uganda CEO has been living a single life for almost 22 years since parting ways Sheilah Gashumba’s mum.

He managed to raise his daughters single handedly and seems not bothered with marriage.

While at a certain wedding, Gashumba said the fact that Pastor Aloysious Bugingo got off the shelf, next year he will follow suit too.

Frank Gashumba
Frank Gashumba

Any time next year, you see Bugingo also got off the shelf, am next

Gashumba told the guests

The lady he will marry must be extremely clean. From his speeches and Facebook live broadcasts, Gashumba always speaks highly of himself.

He says he sleeps in white bedsheets and uses white towels.

Model, Doreen Kabareebe said she cannot date Gashumba arguing that she can’t match his cleanliness standards.

At Gashumba’s age and the way he likes his single life, we believe he can’t offord to throw himself into the chaos of marriage.

Watch video below:


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