ILLUMINATI? Alien Skin Praises Satan For His Success | VIDEO

July 27, 2023
Alien Skin

Alien Skin

New kid on the block, Patrick Mulwana aka Alien Skin has left Ugandans trading whispers after praising Satan for his success.

Alien Skin announced himself on the music scene with Songs; Sitya Danger, Twayiseko Dda, Lockdown among others and TikTokers did a lot of work to promote him.

Branding himself as a Ghetto Yut, he won the love from the Ghetto and some looked at him as a person who can fill the void left by NUP principal, Bobi Wine.

Alien Skin with his bodyguard Champion Gudo
Alien Skin with his bodyguard Champion Gudo

In May, Alien earned sympathy from Ugandans after Pallaso beat him up for lack of respect. Opportunist, Abtex and other promoters seized a chance and organized him ‘Sitya Danger’ concert at Freedom City on the same day Pallaso had ‘Love Fest’ Concert at Cricket Oval.

‘Sitya Danger’ concert is the most successful concert ever held at Freedom City and broke the record as it it was organized in just a week. Since then, Alien Skin is the most supported and booked artist in the country.

Earlier this week, Alien Skin recorded a video glorifying Satan for his success, a thing that left many Ugandans in swipers.

While singing a church hymn, Alien substituted God for Satan, thanking latter for setting him free.

His rapid success have started making some think that he could be Illuminati.

Watch Video below: