Lil Pazzo On Why He Will Not Apologise Or Pay Anything To The Family Of Late Kato Lubwama

July 19, 2024

Trending singer Lil Pazzo Lunabe has revealed reasons why he is not going to bulge and apologise or pay anything to the family of the late Kato Lubwama.

He said he didn’t do a mistake and he doesn’t understand why people rushed to make conclusions and judgements about him and his career.

Kato Lubwama died last year but he was a creative. He used to do acting, drama and the same time he wrote and recorded songs in studios for his fans.

After his death, he left everything for his family especially the wife and the children. All that included the music and the other recordings that he left recorded and not recorded.

However days ago, Lil Pazzo released a video of the song that is for Kato Lubwama’s song. His family came out and said he re-did their father’s song without their permission.

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They asked him to pay millions of money and even apologize to the family for what he did.

According to Lil Pazzo, he is not about to do anything of that. He said it was a free style song and there is no way he will get punished for something that he didn’t do.

“That music video was just a freestyle; I don’t see anything wrong with it. I am not going to apologise or even pay anything,” — Lil Pazo