NTV Rebrands ‘Pressbox’ Sports Show, Replaces Kabuura With Patrick Kanyomozi
May 16, 2022NTV has finally restored Monday night sports show following the departure of Andrew Kabuura at the beginning of this month.
Kabuura used to present Pressbox together with Andrew Mwanguhya, Mark Ssali, Usher komugisha and Ismail Dhakaba Kigongo.

An attempt to revive the show earlier last week was further delayed when Kabuura, through his lawyers, warned NTV against using his trademark “The Pressbox’ as the name for the show.
NTV decided not to pull ropes with Kabuura and renamed the show ‘NTV Sport Knights’ which will be hosted by Patrick Kanyomozi, Ismael Dhakaba Kigongo, and Andrew Mwanguhya.

The show will start airing tonight, Monday, May 16 at 10pm.
Patrick Kanyomozi is the President of USPA and sports editor at KFM.
He has previously worked as a Sports Presenter and Analyst on UBC, and a Sports Commentator on Kwese TV.
Ismael Dhakaba Kigongo and Andrew Mwanguhya also work for Nations Media Group (Daily Monitor).
Lee Ray is a qualified journalist dedicated to inform and update you with News, Gossip, Entertainment, Showbiz and Music!