Oliver Nakakande Dropped As Kezzi Crowns New Miss Uganda

April 25, 2021
Oliver Nakakande being crowned Miss Uganda

Oliver Nakakande being crowned Miss Uganda

Oliver Nakakande who was crowned Miss Uganda in 2019-2020 but continued serving because the beauty pageant couldn’t happen last year due to Covid has been de-crowned.

According to Kezzi Entertainment, the Miss World exclusive license holder, they have announced that because Oliver Nakakande is away and continuing to pursue her studies consequently, she is unable to execute the duties of the Office of Miss Uganda.

Miss Elizabeth Bagaya who was the first runner-up is now the interim Miss Uganda 2020/21
Miss Elizabeth Bagaya who was the first runner-up is now the interim Miss Uganda 2020/21

With this, they have officially announced Miss Elizabeth Bagaya who was the first runner-up as the interim Miss Uganda 2020/21 to carry on with the duties of the office of Miss Uganda effective immediately until a new Miss Uganda is crowned later this year.

This means Mariam Nyamatte becomes the 1st runner up and Petronella Acen the 2nd runner up and still Miss Uganda North respectively.