Pastor Aloysius Bugingo, Susan Makula Show Off Multi-Billion Mansion | VIDEO

February 26, 2023
Pastor Aloysius Bugingo and Susan Makula

Pastor Aloysius Bugingo and Susan Makula

Pastor Aloysius Bugingo has completed his multi-billion mansion where he is now staying with new bae, Susan Makula Nantaba.

Bugingo started constructing the mansion located Nakedde village, Namayumba sub county, Wakiso District in 2019.

The Mansion and its compound occupy over two acres. While showing it off in 2019, Bugingo said he did it because he wants his followers to get where to gather and pack their cars in case he has a congregation.

Pr Aloysius Bugingo and Susan Makula at their introduction ceremony
Pr Aloysius Bugingo and Susan Makula at their introduction ceremony

He also disclosed that he plans to invite his followers for house warming party.

According to our building engineers, they say the mansion must have costed Bugingo over 1 billion. Behind the mansion, Bugingo also constructed other structures estimated at a cost of over 100m which he says are for the guests and his workers who look after his farm and the mansion.

As Bugingo channels money from House Of Prayer Ministries (Canan Land) to construct a private mansion, his flock still pray in dust and mud in Kikoni Makerere.

In January 2020, his ex-wife, Teddy Naluswa Bugingo, the lead pastor at Word of Salvation Ministries revealed that they had collected over 1 billion to start on the construction of House Of Prayer Ministries.

Apart from the mansion, Bugingo purchased a Toyoya Land cruiser V8 with personalised number plate.

He has also bought several radio stations across the country rebranding them Salt FM and also owns Salt TV.

Bugingo Vs the World:

When Bugingo started secretly dating Susan Makula Nantaba, his wife Teddy Naluswa decided to expose him.

After Susan introduced Bugingo on December 7, 2021, Teddy dragged him to court and vowed never to divorce him.

Male Mabirizi jumped on the case and dragged Bugingo and Susan to Entebbe Chief Magistrate Court.

The pair were charged on three counts;

  1. Contracting marriage by Customary Law when already married under the Marriage Act Cap 521 contrary to Section 50 of the Marriage Act, Cap 251.
  2. Marriage with a person previously married contrary to section 42 of the Marriage Act, Cap 251.
  3. Bigamy contrary to section 153 of the penal code act, Cap 120

However, the case collapsed after Mabirizi failed to produce evidence.

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