Queen Abenakyo Graduates With Masters Degree In South Korea

February 15, 2024

Former miss Uganda Queen Abenakyo is now a fully graduate with a master’s degree that she got from South Korea.

She posted about her journey on social media saying she is so thankful that she finally achieved something although it hasn’t been that easy.

Queen Abenakyo is now among the most educated miss Uganda. Others after the reign they go to do business.

Others end up in marriage but she chose to go and further her education with the opportunities that were presented to her.

It was previously said that Queen Abenakyo was dating the King of Busoga. They were seen on different occasions but they had never commented anything about it.


As the King was marrying people expected Queen Abenakyo to be around but she wasn’t . She said she is returning to Uganda to serve her country.

“Celebrating a pivotal milestone: My master‘s degree 🎓 I thank God, whose boundless favour and grace have been the cornerstone of my life’s journey and achievements. I firmly believe that my accomplishments manifest His work within me.
Grateful beyond words for all my amazing Professors , my mentors, my colleagues , and the unwavering support of FAMILY and friends . Here’s to the lessons learned, the strength gained, and the future ahead. Ready for the next chapter of success, fulfillment, and service. Thank you to all who‘ve been part of this incredible journey.
Thank you so much KAIST Graduate School of Global Digital Innovation (GDI) for this Opportunity Iam eternally grateful,” Queen Abenakyo posted

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