Sheilah Gashumba Sour Advise To Slay Queens Leave Netizens Divided

May 18, 2022
Sheilah Gashumba

Sheilah Gashumba

Sheilah Gashumba is now looking at the World differently and feels sorry for the slay queens who are living fake lives in disguise of slaying.

Sheilah, a renowned socialite is known for her slaying lifestyle but she learnt how to make money and support herself.

Sheilah Gashumba
Sheilah Gashumba

After seeing fellow slayers struggling with life, the Lil Stunner took time and shared advise on her Snapchat. Sheilah says men don’t like girls who are good for nothing. She told slayers to get married and stop disturbing men in bars for drinks and upkeep.

If you  can’t work hard for your money so that you can spoil yourself, at least find a rich man and settle down!! Some of you are really clowning yourself lol who told you guys that men in 2022 like girls who are good for nothing.

Sheilah Gashumba

We can say Sheilah has been on smooth ride. Most of her former boyfriends; Marcus Ali Lwanga aka God’s Plan, Face Off had money to spoil her without begging. Her gigs in bars enable her to get free drinks and sips free champagne thanks to endorsements from Martinelli.

She also doubles as a Television presenter at NBS TV ‘After 5’ and at the same time does emceeing gigs.

Sheilah Gashumba post

It’s not a secret, most slayers live fake lives. Their expensive lifestyles are facilitated by sponsors who take them on expensive holiday vacations, buy them cars and rent them apartments.

We side with Sheilah, it’s high time slayers started working and stop dependency.

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