Why Did Mozey Radio’s Mother Fail To Show Up At Weasel’s Concert?

August 3, 2024

Fans are having more questions than answers for Weasel’s concludes concert at hotel Africana.

Everyone is wondering why the late Mozey Radio’s mother Kasubo Jane failed to show up to support him yet she said she was expecting to share 50% of the money.

Weasel is one of the artistes that has been showed much love ever since his partner Mozey Radio tragically passed away. He was said to be struggling with depression and stress.

Fortunately he had family and family that were on board to support him through the whole process to make sure he gets everything together as an artiste.

The past week Mozey Radio’s mother was facing so much backlash because she asked money from people to buy land.

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People were saying that she is very greedy and she is using a dead person to get money like she has been doing all the time.

It is not clear if that is the reason why she couldn’t attend the concert but she was no where to be seen during the concert which left people wondering if she had some misunderstandings.

Weasel personally is thankful for the people that showed up to support him fully at the concert. He hasn’t said anything about those that didn’t come to the concert for whatever reasons.
