Irene Namatovu On How Ladies Can Prevent Their Husbands From Cheating

June 13, 2024

Singer Irene Namatovu has advised her fellow ladies especially those of her age on how to prevent their husbands from cheating.

She said most of the ladies should stop dressing like they reached heaven, they need to put in more efforts to keep attractive to gheog husbands.

Irene Namatovu has been married for more than 15 years and she has kept her husband to herself something that is allnot Common especially in celebrities.

According to the singer, when a lady gives birth they stop looking after themselves. She said that usually takes men off and they end up cheating on them with the young girls.

But as a woman who has seen it all, she can advise fellow married women to live a happy better marriage like she has been living.

Irene Namatovu revealed that it is not very easy but for someone to live their best lives they need to take risks in their lives.

“Ladies, let’s look after ourselves and dress sharp to keep these younger girls from snatching our men,” Irene Namatovu