Mr Henry on Why He Believes Ex Prima Kardashi Is Mentally Not Okay

June 22, 2024

Galaxy radio presenter and Mcee Mr Henry has come out to say that he doesn’t think that his ex girlfriend socialite and business woman is mentally okay.

He made the statement following Prima’s TikTok video revealing the reason to why their relationship didn’t work out.

Prima Kardashi and Mr Henry dated for almost three years. Their real relationship up happened so first after the socialite separated from her ex husband and baby daddy Geosteady.

She had previously said that Mr Henry is too good for her and that is one of the reasons to why she left him to live a single life and raise the children on her own.

Recently the socialite made a video revealing the actual reasons to why she actually separated with Mr Henry. She said that the relationship wasn’t going anywhere and she hadn’t fallen in love she was just healing from the breakup.

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According to Mr Henry, that is not the actual reason. He said people who watched the video could clearly tell that Prima wasn’t in her right state of mind.

“I have seen the video that they sent to me I don’t know if it is real or fake but if it is real we all know that Prima Kardashi wasn’t in the right state of her mind. But I hope she gets the help she needs and even feels better,”