Hajjat Stecia Mayanja Moves To Canada, Speaks About Her Life Their

June 12, 2024

Singer and actress Hajjat Stecia Mayanja has revealed that she actually moved to Canada for retirement and to live her best life that she has worked for her whole life.

She said that Ugandans are calling her out but she doesn’t care about what they have to say.

Stecia Mayanja has been in the entertainment industry for more than 15 years. She has acted in diffetent movies and has even had her own televised movies.

Recently she said that she had got an opportunity to move out for a vacation. But the vacation took even more longer than what she had talked about on social media.

According to Stecia Mayanja, Ugandans need to understand that everyone is responsible for their lives. Her movkng to Canada was fhe best thing she could do for herself.

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Talented singer said she will return to Uganda wben she wants but for now she is living the best life.

“I don’t know what to tell Ugandans but they need to know that i am living my best life in Canada. Although they talk too much, it will not stop me from living the life i want. I am in Canada, those asking about me should know that “
