Irene Ntale Responds To Lil Pazzo Request For Her Hand In Marriage

June 24, 2024

Singer Irene Ntale has responded to fellow singer Lil Pazzo’s request for her hand in marriage any time soon.

She said that she doesn’t understand wether he is serious or not because he was so funny while speaking about his interests.

Lil Pazzo has been doing so well in his music and he is now looking at having a second wife who is a fellow celebrity.

According to Irene Ntale she is single and she hasn’t heard the romantic words that he told her in years.

She said that he needs to concentrate on his festival first and get money to look after her, the other things will take time but she is single.

“I heard whatever Lil Pazzo said and I can definitely say that he is a funny guy. I know I am single the words he told me I haven’t heard them in a while. Let him concentrate on the festival first and we will see from then,”

It should be noted that Lil Pazzo said that he hasn’t been making money and having different women but he feels like it is his time to shine.